Bulk water for ballast
Construction has a lot of unusual, secret processes to complete their projects on time and on budget.
One such a process we often find ourselves involved with, is water for ballast.
Imagine a construction project that’s out of town (no sewage network) and where many buildings are creating liquid waste, toilet flushes, wash basins emptying and the likes.
Firstly, big storage tanks prevent overflowing and to keep emptying cycles to a minimum.
These tanks are buried underground and in the main are made of plastic.
Water as Ballast
When burying such an item in wet concrete, you need to fill the tank with water as ballast. Why? Because if you don’t the lightweight plastic tank will float on the concrete.
Using water makes the burying process run smoothly. Once the concrete has set, pump out the water from the tank and you have an operational sewage tank ready to go into service.
You tell us the size of the tank and we’ll provide the tanker or tankers to complete the job.
Another water based service from Tardis H2O.
IBC Water Tanks
IBC water tanks make for ideal marquee weights, another type of ballast.
A filled IBC contains 1000 litres of water which equals 1 tonne in weight.
On this job, 60,000 litres of water was required on site to fill this vessel as ballast which was about to be embedded in concrete. We deployed two 30,000 litre water tankers.